sccs-admin, admin - create and administer SCCS history files
/usr/ccs/bin/admin [-bhknoz] [-a username
| groupid]...
[-d flag] ... [-e username | groupid]...
[-f flag[value]] ... [-i[filename]]
[-m mr-list]
[-q[nsedelim]] [-w%W%-string]
[-rrelease] [-t[description-file]]
[-Nbulk-spec] s.filename...
The admin command creates or modifies the flags and other
parameters of SCCS history files. Filenames of SCCS history files begin with
the `s.' prefix, and are referred to as s.files, or
``history'' files.
The named s.file is created if it does not exist already.
Its parameters are initialized or modified according to the options you
specify. Parameters not specified are given default values when the file is
initialized, otherwise they remain unchanged.
If a directory name is used in place of the s.filename
argument, the admin command applies to all s.files in that
directory. Unreadable s.files produce an error. The use of
`−' as the s.filename argument indicates that the names
of files are to be read from the standard input, one s.file per
The following options are supported:
- -a username |
- Adds a user name, or a numerical group ID, to the list of users who
may check deltas in or out. If the list is empty, any user is allowed to
do so.
- -b
- Forces encoding of binary data. Files that contain ASCII NUL, that
contain lines that start with the the SCCS control character SOH(ASCII
001) or that do not end with a NEWLINE, are recognized as
binary data files when using the SCCSv4 history file format. The
contents of such files are stored in the history file in encoded form. See
uuencode(1C) for details about the encoding. This option is
normally used in conjunction with -i to force admin to
encode initial versions not recognized as containing binary data.
The new SCCSv6 history file format permits to have
lines that start with the SCCS control character SOH(ASCII 001)
and files that do not end with a NEWLINE, enforcing the binary
file format only if a file contains ASCII NUL characters.
- -d flag
- Deletes the indicated flag from the SCCS file. The -d option
may be specified only for existing s.files. See -f for the
list of recognized flags.
- -e username |
- Erases a user name or group ID from the list of users allowed to
make deltas.
- -f flag [value]
- Sets the indicated flag to the (optional) value specified.
The following flags are recognized:
- b
- Enables branch deltas. When b is set, branches can be created using
the -b option of the SCCS get command (see
- cceil
- Sets a ceiling on the releases that can be checked out. ceil is a
number less than or equal to 9999. If c is not set, the ceiling is
- dsid
- Specifies the default delta number, or SID, to be used by an
SCCS get command.
- ffloor
- Sets a floor on the releases that can be checked out. The floor is a
number greater than 0 but less than 9999. If f is not set, the
floor is 1.
- i[value]
- Treats the `No id keywords (cm7)' message issued by an SCCS
get or delta command as an error rather than a warning.
If the parameter value to the `i' flag is not
empty, then it holds a line fragment with keywords starting with a
`%', e.g.
`%Z%%M% %I% %E%'
This line fragment needs to exactly match a part of a line in the file and
to result in expanded keywords. The string must begin with a keyword,
and may not have embedded newline characters. If no match was
found, an attempt to check in a new delta will fail. The parameter to
the `i' flag is a SUN extension that was adopted by the
POSIX standard.
- j
- Allow concurrent get -e calls for editing on the same base
SID of an SCCS file. This allows multiple concurrent updates to
take place on the same version of the SCCS file.
- la
- l release[,
- Locks the indicated list of releases against deltas. An SCCS `get
-e' command fails when applied against a locked release. The following
syntax is accepted to specify a list:
<list> ::= a | <range-list>
<range-list> ::= <range> | <range-list>, <range>
<range> ::= <SID>
The character a in the list is the equivalent to
specifying all releases for the named SCCS file. The non-terminal
<SID> in range is the delta number of an existing
delta associated with the SCCS file.
- mmodule
- Supplies a value for the module name to which the %M% keyword is to
expand. If the m flag is not specified, the value assigned is the
name of the SCCS file with the leading s. removed.
- n
- Creates empty releases when releases are skipped. These null (empty)
deltas serve as anchor points for branch deltas.
- qvalue
- Supplies a value to which the %Q% keyword is to expand when
a read-only version is retrieved with the SCCS get command.
- snumber
- Specifies how many lines of code are scanned for the SCCS keyword.
This flag is a SUN extension that does not exist in
historic sccs implementations.
- ttype
- Supplies a value for the module type to which the %Y% keyword is to
- v[program]
- Specifies a validation program for the MR numbers associated
with a new delta. The optional program specifies the name of an
MR number validity checking program. If this flag is set
when creating an SCCS file, the -m option must also be used, in
which case the list of MRs may be empty.
The v flag and the z flag are mutually
- x
- Enable sccs extensions that are not implemented in classical
sccs variants. If the `x' flag is enabled, the keywords
%d%, %e%, %g% and %h% are expanded even though
the `y' flag was not set.
This flag is a SCHILY extension that does not exist in
historic sccs implementations.
This version of SCCS implements compatibility support for a
SCO SCCS extension that sets the executable bit in the file permissions
of a gotten file if the x-flag was set in the history file with
no parameter. This version of SCCS does not allow to set this variant of
the x-flag in the history file. If you like to get executable
files from SCCS, set the executable bit in the file permissions of the
history file.
- y[value,[value]]
- Specifies the SCCS keywords to be expanded. If no value is
specified, no keywords will be expanded. The value `*' controls the
expansion of the %sccs.include.filename% keyword. If
the letters d, e, g or h are present, the
related keywords are expanded even though the `x' flag was not set.
If value is set to an empty string, the `No id
keywords (cm7)' message will not be created even though no keyword
was expanded.
This flag is a SUN/SCHILY extension that does
not exist in historic sccs implementations.
- zapplication
- The name of an application for the CMF enhancements. CMF
enhancements are currently undocumented and it is not known how they are
expected to work.
The v flag and the z flag are mutually
This flag is a SUN extension that does not exist in
historic sccs implementations.
- -h
- Checks the structure of an existing s.file (see
sccsfile(4)), and compares a newly computed check-sum with one
stored in the first line of that file. -h inhibits writing on the
file and so nullifies the effect of any other options.
- -i[filename]
- Initializes the history file with text from the indicated file. This text
constitutes the initial delta, or set of checked-in changes. If
filename is omitted, the initial text is obtained from the standard
input. Omitting the -i option altogether creates an empty
s.file. You can only initialize one s.file with text using
-i unless you use the bulk option -N. The -i option
implies the -n option.
If you like to initialize more than one s.file in one
call, use the -N option and specify -i. (-i
followed by a dot).
- -k
- Suppresses expansion of ID keywords when admin(1) is doing
an implicit get(1) operation because -N+... was
This option is a SCHILY extension that does not exist
in historic sccs implementations.
- -m mr-list
- Inserts the indicated Modification Request (MR) numbers into the
commentary for the initial version. When specifying more than one MR
number on the command line, mr-list takes the form of a quoted,
space-separated list. A warning results if the v flag is not set or
the MR validation fails.
- -Nbulk-spec
- Creates a bulk of new SCCS history files. This option allows to do an
efficient mass creation of SCCS history files and to initialize the SCCS
history files from named files that are the respective counterpart to the
actual SCCS history file.
The bulk-spec parameter is composed from an optional
list of flag parameters followed by an optional path
The following flag types are supported:
- -
- If bulk-spec is preceded by a `-', admin(1) removes
the original g-files after the initial history files have been created.
This flag cannot be used together with the `,' flag.
- +
- If bulk-spec is preceded by a `+', admin(1) removes
the original g-files and replaces them by file content that is retrieved
by a get(1) operation on the related s.file. This
flag can be used together with the `,' flag.
- ,
- If bulk-spec is preceded by a `,', admin(1) renames
the g-file from where the SCCS history file was initialized from to
,name similar to what happens with sccs create. It is
recommended to let admin(1) rename the original file as this file
usually contains unexpanded keywords and as this file usually is
- space
- This is a placeholder dummy flag that allows to use a prepared string for
the -N option and to replace the space character by one of the
supported flags on demand.
If sccs is used in forced delta mode where no sccs
edit is needed, it is recommended to use no flag character in the
bulk-spec in order to retain a writable g-file.
The following path specifier types are supported:
- -N
- The file name parameters to the admin command are not
s.filename files but the names of the g-files. The
s.filename names are automatically derived from the g-file names by
prepending s. to the last path name component. Both,
s.filename and the g-file are in the same directory.
- -Ns.
- The file name parameters to the admin command are s.filename
files. The the g-files names are automatically derived by removing
s. from the beginning of last path name component of the
s.filename. Both, s.filename and the g-file are in the same
- -Ndir
- The file name parameters to the admin command are not
s.filename files but the names of the g-files. The
s.filename names are put into directory dir, the names are
automatically derived from the g-file names by prepending
dir/s. to the last path name component.
- -Ndir/s.
- The file name parameters to the admin command are s.filename
files in directory dir. The the g-files names are automatically
derived by removing dir/s. from the beginning of last path
name component of the s.filename.
A typical value for dir is SCCS.
In order to overcome the limited number of exec(2)
arguments, it is recommended to use `−' as the file name
parameter for admin(1) and to send a list of path names to
stdin. If admin(1) is called via sccs(1), it is
recommended to leave out the `−' to prevent sccs(1)
from trying to expand the file names from stdin into an arg
This option is a SCHILY extension that does not exist in
historic sccs implementations.
- -n
- Creates a new SCCS history file.
- -o
- Use the original time of the existing file for the delta time when
creating a new s.file. In NSE mode, this is the default behavior.
If admin(1) is doing an implicit get(1) operation because
-N+... was specified, the new g-file is also set to the
original file date.
This option is a SCHILY extension that does not exist
in historic sccs implementations.
- -q[nsedelim]
- Enable NSE mode. If NSE mode is enabled, several NSE
related extensions may be used. In this release, the value of
nsedelim is ignored.
In NSE mode, admin behaves as if the -o option
was specified and never issues a warning about missing id
This option is an undocumented SUN extension that does
not exist in historic sccs implementations.
- -rrelease
- Specifies the release for the initial delta. -r may be used only in
conjunction with -i. The initial delta is inserted into release 1
if this option is omitted. The level of the initial delta is always
1. Initial deltas are named 1.1 by default.
- -t[description-file]
- Inserts descriptive text from the file description-file. When
-t is used in conjunction with -n, or -i to
initialize a new s.file, the description-file must be supplied.
When modifying the description for an existing file: a -t option
without a description-file removes the descriptive text, if any; a
-t option with a description-file replaces the existing
- -w%W%-string
- The %W%-string is used as a replacement for the %W% keyword
when admin(1) is doing an implicit get(1) operation because
-N+... was specified. If -w was not specified,
%W% is expanded to %Z%%M% %I%, otherwise the argument from
-w is used.
This option is an undocumented SUN extension that does
not exist in historic sccs implementations.
- -Xextended-options
- Specify extended options. The argument extended-options may be a
comma separated list of extended option names.
The following extended options are supported, they may be
abbreviated as long ad the abbreviation is still unique. Options with
parameter may not be abbreviated.
- Gp=initial_path
- Set the initial path meta data in the history file. If specified
with an empty argument, no initial path meta data will appear in
the history file. This option exists in order to permit comb(1) to
reatain the initial path from the original file. If this option was
specified, only one file type argiment is permitted.
- Gr=urand
- Set the unified random meta data in the history file. If specified
with an empty argument, no unified random meta data will appear in
the history file. This option exists in order to permit comb(1) to
reatain the unified random from the original file. If this option
was specified, only one file type argiment is permitted.
- help
- Print a short online help for available options.
The -X option is a SCHILY extension that does not
exist in historic sccs implementations.
- -V
- -version
- --version
- Prints the admin version number string and exists.
This option is a SCHILY extension that does not exist
in historic sccs implementations.
- -V6
- When used together with -i of -n, admin(1) will
create a SCCS v6 history file instead of a SCCS v4 history
file. SCCS v6 history files are not understood by historic SCCS
implementations. See sccsfile(4) for more information on the new
This option is a SCHILY extension that does not exist
in historic sccs implementations.
- -y[comment]
- Inserts the indicated comment in the ``Comments:'' field for
the initial delta. Valid only in conjunction with -i or -n.
If -y option is omitted, a default comment line is inserted that
notes the date and time the history file was created.
- -z
- Recomputes the file check-sum and stores it in the first line of the
s.file. Caution: It is important to verify the contents of
the history file (see sccs-val(1), and the print subcommand
in sccs(1)), since using -z on a truly corrupted file may
prevent detection of the error.
Example 1 Preventing SCCS keyword expansion
In the following example, 10 lines of file will be
scanned and only the W,Y,X keywords will be interpreted:
sccs admin -fs10 file
sccs admin -fyW,Y,X file
get file
Example 2 Preventing SCCS keyword expansion and suppressing
the `No id keywords (cm7)' warning
In the following example, no keywords will be interpreted and no
warning will be generated:
sccs admin -fy file
get file
Example 3 Mass entering files with auto-initialization
In the following example, all files in the usr/src tree will be
put under SCCS and the SCCS history files will be put into SCCS sub
find usr/src -type f | sccs admin -NSCCS -i.
The original g-files will be left untouched.
Example 4 Mass entering files with auto-initialization
In the following example, all files in the usr/src tree will be
put under SCCS and the SCCS history files will be put into SCCS sub
directories. Each original file will be renamed to ,file after
the file has been successfully put under SCCS control:
find usr/src -type f | sccs admin -N,SCCS -i.
Example 5 Entering all files in a directory with
In the following example, all files in the current directory will
be put under SCCS and the SCCS history files will be put into the SCCS sub
sccs admin -NSCCS -i. .
The original g-files will be left untouched.
See environ(5) for descriptions of the following
environment variables that affect the execution of admin(1):
- If set, admin(1) will not automatically call help(1) with
the SCCS error code in order to print a more helpful error message.
Scripts that depend on the exact error messages of SCCS commands should
set the environment variable SCCS_NO_HELP and set LC_ALL=C.
- If set, admin(1) by default creates new history files with SCCS
v6 encoding.
The following exit values are returned:
- 0
- Successful completion.
- 1
- An error occurred.
- e.file
- temporary file to hold an uuencoded version of the g-file in case
of an encoded history file
- s.file
- SCCS history file, see sccsfile(4).
- SCCS/s.file
- history file in SCCS subdirectory
- x.file
- temporary copy of the s.file; renamed to the s.file after
- z.file
- temporary lock file contains the binary process id in host byte order
followed by the host name
- dump.core
- If the file dump.core exists in the current directory and a fatal
signal is received, a coredump is initiated via abort(3).
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following
Availability |
SUNWsprot |
Interface Stability |
Standard |
sccs(1), sccs-cdc(1), sccs-comb(1),
sccs-cvt(1), sccs-delta(1), sccs-get(1),
sccs-help(1), sccs-log(1), sccs-prs(1),
sccs-prt(1), sccs-rmdel(1), sccs-sact(1),
sccs-sccsdiff(1), sccs-unget(1), sccs-val(1),
bdiff(1), diff(1), what(1), sccschangeset(4),
sccsfile(4), attributes(5), environ(5),
Use the SCCS help command for explanations (see
The last component of all SCCS filenames must have the `s.'
prefix. New SCCS files are given mode 444 (see chmod(1)). All
writing done by admin is to a temporary file with an x.
prefix, created with mode 444 for a new SCCS file, or with the same
mode as an existing SCCS file. After successful execution of admin,
the existing s.file is removed and replaced with the x.file.
This ensures that changes are made to the SCCS file only when no errors have
It is recommended that directories containing SCCS files have
permission mode 755, and that the s.files themselves have mode
444. The mode for directories allows only the owner to modify the
SCCS files contained in the directories, while the mode of the
s.files prevents all modifications except those performed using SCCS
If it should be necessary to patch an SCCS file for any reason,
the mode may be changed to 644 by the owner to allow use of a text
editor. However, extreme care must be taken when doing this. The edited file
should always be processed by an `admin -h' command to
check for corruption, followed by an `admin -z' command to
generate a proper check-sum. Another `admin -h' command is
recommended to ensure that the resulting s.file is valid.
admin uses a temporary lock file, starting with the
`z.' prefix, to prevent simultaneous updates to the s.file.
See sccs-get(1) for further information about the
The SCCS suite was originally written by Marc J. Rochkind
at Bell Labs in 1972. Release 4.0 of SCCS, introducing new versions
of the programs admin(1), get(1), prt(1), and
delta(1) was published on February 18, 1977; it introduced the new
text based SCCS v4 history file format (previous SCCS
releases used a binary history file format). The SCCS suite was later
maintained by various people at AT&T and Sun Microsystems. Since 2006,
the SCCS suite is maintained by Joerg Schilling.
A frequently updated source code for the SCCS suite is
included in the schilytools project and may be retrieved from the
schilytools project at Sourceforge at:
The download directory is:
Check for the schily-*.tar.bz2 archives.
Less frequently updated source code for the SCCS suite is
Separate project informations for the SCCS project may be
retrieved from: