BIOSIZE(9F) Kernel Functions for Drivers BIOSIZE(9F)

biosize - returns size of a buffer structure

#include <sys/ddi.h>
#include <sys/sunddi.h>
size_t biosize(void)

illumos DDI specific (illumos DDI).

The biosize() function returns the size in bytes of the buf(9S) structure. The biosize() function is used by drivers in combination with kmem_alloc(9F) and bioinit(9F) to allocate buffer structures embedded in other data structures.

The biosize() function can be called from any context.

biofini(9F), bioinit(9F), getrbuf(9F), kmem_alloc(9F), buf(9S)

Writing Device Drivers

November 20, 1996 OmniOS