KTEST(8) Maintenance Commands and Procedures KTEST(8)

ktestlist and run kernel tests

ktest help

ktest list [-H] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [triple...]

ktest run [-H] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [-i input] triple...

ktest run-file [-H] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [runfile]

The ktest facility provides in situ kernel testing by running test code in kernel context; essentially unit tests for the kernel. The ktest command is used to list or run registered kernel tests. The ktest command interacts with the in-kernel ktest facility by way of the /dev/ktest pseudo device. A process must run in the Global Zone and have the privilege in order to access the device.

The following is a list of output fields used by the ktest command along with their meanings.

The module name of the test. This is typically the same name as the module-under-test.
The suite name of the test.
The name of the test.
For the command this indicates if the test requires an input stream: [Y]es or [N]o. For the run and run-file commands it is the path to the input stream.
The source code line number that produced the test RESULT. All PASS and NONE results have a value of 0. Upon detection of multiple results this value indicates the line that overwrote the previous result and the RESULT field contains a message with the line number of the previous result. This field applies only to the run and run-file commands.
The test result. The TEST RESULTS section explains the different types of results. This field applies only to the run and run-file commands.
Additional context when the test result is one of FAIL, ERROR, or SKIP. This field applies only to the run and run-file commands.

The different types of results that a test can produce.

The test passed.
The test had a logical failure (one of its assertions failed).
The test had an unexpected, non-logical error. This is typically caused by a failure to acquire resources or an error attempting some operation that is tangential to the logic under test.
The test decided to skip itself because it lacks the context required to run the test. For example, some type of missing resource or hardware.
The test failed to produce a result. This is a bug in the test and should be fixed.

The following is a list of options shared across all subcommands. This field applies only to the run and run-file commands.


Omit column headers when printing output.

-o field[,...]

A case-insensitive, comma-separated list of output fields to display.


Display in a machine-parsable format and elide test stats output when executing the run or run-file commands. The -o option is required with -p.

ktest help

Print command usage.

ktest list [-H] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [triple...]

List all registered tests. One or more triples may be specified to narrow the listing.

ktest run [-H] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [-i file] triple...

Run registered tests. One or more triples may be specified to limit which tests are run. At least one triple must be specified.

-i file

Specify a file to act as the input stream for all tests requiring one.

ktest run-file [-H] [[-p] -o field[,...]] [runfile]

Run the tests specified by the runfile. If no runfile is specified, then use stdin as the contents of the runfile.

The following exit values are returned:

Successful completion of the command. For the run and run-file commands this also indicates that all tests produced a PASS or SKIP result.
An error occurred while executing the command. For the run and run-file commands this also indicates that one or more tests produced a result other than PASS or SKIP.
An invalid combination of command line options or arguments were specified.

List all tests registered with the ktest framework.

ktest list

Run all tests registered with the ktest framework.

ktest run '*'

This example runs only tests registered under the mac test module. This includes all suites under the mac module and all tests under each suite.

ktest run 'mac::'

Executes the run file named and outputs the results in parsable format to stdout. This is useful for integrating ktest into a larger testing framework.

ktest run-file -Hpo result,module,suite,test,input,line,reason mac.runfile

Execute a specific test which requires an input stream.

ktest run -i data.pcap mac:checksum:mac_sw_cksum_ipv4_snoop_test

The command syntax is Uncommitted. The output format is Uncommitted.

February 13, 2023 OmniOS