VIO9P(4D) Devices VIO9P(4D)

vio9pVirtio 9P Transport Driver


The vio9p driver provides access to 9P transport devices commonly used by hypervisors and emulators to expose a shared file system.

The vio9p driver is not a interface, and may change at any time.

Each device corresponds to a specific 9P channel, providing exclusive access to one consumer at a time. The device may be opened with an open(2) call, which must include at least the O_EXCL and O_RDWR flags. The O_NONBLOCK or O_NDELAY flags may be used if non-blocking reads and writes are required.

Once open, read(2) and write(2) calls may be made against the resulting file descriptor. Writes represent a 9P request message sent to the hypervisor, and reads represent responses to those requests.

Unlike with other transports like TCP, the channel is not explicitly reset when the device is opened or closed. After a call to open(2), the application should use a version message to open a new session. This will explicitly discard any previous session, clunking any active fids in the process and negotiating an appropriate protocol version with the hypervisor. It is likely also appropriate to do this as part of closing the device, to allow the hypervisor to free any session tracking resources.

Writes must be well-formed 9P messages, conforming to whichever 9P protocol specification is used by the hypervisor. In particular, each message must include a minimum of seven bytes, representing the message size[4], type[1], and tag[2]. In most or all available protocol specifications, these fields are unsigned integers in little-endian order. The driver limits request and response size to 8192 bytes, and will fail larger writes with EMSGSIZE. Applications should, in their initial version message, negotiate an value less than or equal to 8192 bytes.

Reads are interruptible and will block waiting for a response to a request sent in a previous write. If insufficient buffer space is provided to the read call to receive the message, the call will fail with EOVERFLOW and the message will remain available for a subsequent read. Messages are provided as-is to the application, including the size[4], type[1], and tag[2].

Depending on the 9P server provided by the hypervisor, requests that are issued concurrently may result in responses that arrive out of order. Applications should develop a strategy for allocating unique tag[2] values, so that request and response messages can be correlated.

The driver provides an ioctl, VIO9P_IOC_MOUNT_TAG, to expose the string if one was provided by the hypervisor. The ioctl is defined in <sys/vio9p.h>. The argument must be a char *, pointing to a buffer of VIO9P_MOUNT_TAG_SIZE bytes. On success, the buffer will contain the mount tag string as read from the hypervisor, followed by a null-terminating zero byte added by the driver to ensure the result can always be treated as a C string. While the hypervisor is expected to provide a human-readable C string, applications should take care to verify that the contents are valid for display or other purposes. Note that even if successfully read, the string may be empty.

Character device for access to a 9P channel.
Device driver (x86)

close(2), ioctl(2), open(2), read(2), write(2)

August 1, 2022 OmniOS