PUPANIC(3PROC) Process Control Library Functions PUPANIC(3PROC)

Pupanic, Pupanic_freeget upanic information from a core file

Process Control Library (libproc, -lproc)

#include <libproc.h>

Pupanic(struct ps_prochandle *P, prupanic_t **prup);

Pupanic_free(prupanic_t *pru);

The () function copies the contents of the NT_UPANIC elf note from the process handle P that corresponds to a core file into prup.

The library will allocate the memory needed for a prupanic_t and it is the caller's responsibility to release it by calling the () function with the returned data when they are done with the data.

The allocated data stored in prup has a lifetime independent of the underlying process handle P. That is, it is safe to continue using it whether the process handle is still valid or has been released with Pfree(3PROC).

If the process handle doesn't correspond to a core file or this note is not present in the core file, then the () function will fail.

Upon successful completion, the Pupanic() function returns and stores the allocated prupanic_t structure in prup. Otherwise is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.

The Pupanic() function will fail if:

The process handle P does not correspond to a core file.
The core file does not have a NT_UPANIC elf note.
An underlying memory allocation failed.

See in libproc(3LIB).

upanic(2), libproc(3LIB), core(5)

March 30, 2022 OmniOS