WCPCPY(3C) Standard C Library Functions WCPCPY(3C)

wcpcpy, wcpncpycopy a wide-character string and return a pointer to its end

#include <wchar.h>

wchar_t *
wcpcpy(wchar_t *restrict ws1, const wchar_t *restrict ws2);

wchar_t *
wcpncpy(wchar_t *restrict ws1, const wchar_t *restrict ws2, size_t n);

The () and wcpncpy() functions copy the wide-character string pointed to by ws2 into the location pointed to by ws1. They stop copying after a null wide-character is copied, or in the case of wcpncpy(), after n wide-characters have been copied. If ws2 contains fewer than n wide-characters, then the wcpncpy() function pads wide-characters to the end of the destination ws1 until exactly n wide-characters have been written.

In the case of () a terminating null wide-character will be written if the length of ws2 exceeds n.

If ws1 and ws2 overlap, the result is undefined.

The () and wcpncpy() functions are the wide-character equivalents of () and (), respectively.

The wcpcpy() and wcpncpy() functions return a pointer to the last wide-character written. In the case of wcpncpy() this will always be equal to (ws1 + n − 1).




stpcpy(3C), stpncpy(3C), wcscpy(3C), wcsncpy(3C), wchar.h(3HEAD), standards(7)

The wcpcpy() and wcpncpy() functions were introduced in IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (“POSIX.1”).

July 27, 2014 OmniOS