processor_info - determine type and status of a processor

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/processor.h>
int processor_info(processorid_t processorid, processor_info_t *infop);

The processor_info() function returns the status of the processor specified by processorid in the processor_info_t structure pointed to by infop.

The structure processor_info_t contains the following members:

int      pi_state;
char     pi_processor_type[PI_TYPELEN];
char     pi_fputypes[PI_FPUTYPE];
int      pi_clock;

The pi_state member is the current state of the processor, either P_ONLINE, P_OFFLINE, P_NOINTR, P_FAULTED, P_SPARE, or P_POWEROFF.

The pi_processor_type member is a null-terminated ASCII string specifying the type of the processor.

The pi_fputypes member is a null-terminated ASCII string containing the comma-separated types of floating-point units (FPUs) attached to the processor. This string will be empty if no FPU is attached.

The pi_clock member is the processor clock frequency rounded to the nearest megahertz. It may be 0 if not known.

Upon successful completion, 0 is returned. Otherwise, −1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.

The processor_info() function will fail if:


An non-existent processor ID was specified.

The caller is in a non-global zone, the pools facility is active, and the processor is not a member of the zone's pool's processor set.


The processor_info_t structure pointed to by infop was not writable by the user.

p_online(2), sysconf(3C), pooladm(8), psradm(8), psrinfo(8), zoneadm(8)

June 28, 2004 OmniOS