STMFADM(8) Maintenance Commands and Procedures STMFADM(8)

stmfadmSCSI target mode framework command line interface

stmfadm add-hg-member -g host-group initiator...

stmfadm add-tg-member -g target-group target...

stmfadm add-view [-h host-group] [-n lu-number] [-t target-group] lu-name

stmfadm create-hg group-name

stmfadm create-lu [-p property=value]... [-s size] lu-file

stmfadm create-tg group-name

stmfadm delete-hg group-name

stmfadm delete-lu [-k] lu-name

stmfadm delete-tg group-name

stmfadm import-lu lu-file

stmfadm list-hg [-v] [host-group]...

stmfadm list-lu [-v] [lu-name]...

stmfadm list-state

stmfadm list-target [-v] [target]...

stmfadm list-tg [-v] [target-group]...

stmfadm list-view -l lu-name [view]...

stmfadm modify-lu [-f] [-p property=value]... [-s size] lu-arg

stmfadm offline-lu lu-name

stmfadm offline-target target

stmfadm online-lu lu-name

stmfadm online-target target

stmfadm remove-hg-member -g host-group initiator...

stmfadm remove-tg-member -g target-group target...

stmfadm remove-view [-a] -l lu-name view...

The stmfadm command configures logical units within the SCSI Target Mode Framework (STMF) framework. The framework and this man page use the following terminology:

A device responsible for issuing SCSI I/O commands to a SCSI target and logical unit.
A device responsible for receiving SCSI I/O commands for a logical unit.
A device within a target responsible for executing SCSI I/O commands.
The identifier of a logical unit within a target.
An host group is a set of one or more initiators that are combined for the purposes of being applied to a view (see below). An initiator cannot be a member of more than one host group.
target group
A target group is a set of one or more SCSI target ports that are treated the same when creating a view (see below). The set of logical units that a particular SCSI initiator can see is determined by the combined set of views.

Each logical unit has a set of view entries, and each view entry specifies a target group, host group, and a LUN. An initiator from that host group, when connecting through that target group, is able to identify and connect to that logical unit using the specified LUN. You can use views to restrict the set of logical units that a specific initiator can see, and assign the set of LUNs that will be used.

A view defines the association of a host group, a target group, and a logical unit number with a specified logical unit. Any view entry added to a logical unit must not be in conflict with existing view entries for that logical unit. A view entry is considered to be in conflict when an attempt is made to duplicate the association of any given host, target and logical unit number.

The following logical unit properties can be set only when creating LU using create-lu subcommand:

Specifies the block size for the device. The default is 512.
32 hexadecimal ASCII characters representing a valid NAA Registered Extended Identifier. The default is set by the STMF to a generated value.
Metadata file name. When specified, will be used to hold the SCSI metadata for the logical unit. There is no default.
Organizational Unique Identifier. Six hexadecimal ASCII characters representing the IEEE OUI company ID assignment. This will be used to generate the device identifier (GUID). The default is .
16 bytes ASCII string defining Product ID per SCSI SPC-3. This value will be reflected in the Standard INQUIRY data returned for the device. The default is .
Serial Number. Specifies the SCSI Vital Product Data Serial Number (page 80h). It is a character value up to 252 bytes in length. There is no default value.
8 bytes ASCII string defining Vendor ID per SCSI SPC-3. This value will be reflected in the Standard INQUIRY data returned for the device. The default is .

The following logical unit properties can be set when creating LU using create-lu subcommand or modified using modify-lu subcommand:

Up to 255 characters, representing a user-defined name for the device. The default is the name of the backing store.
Up to 1024 characters representing a Management Network Address URL. More than one URL can be passed as a single parameter by using space-delimited URLs enclosed inside a single pair of quotation marks (").
Write-back cache disable. Determines write-back cache disable behavior. The default is the write-back cache setting of the backing store device specified by the lu-file argument.
Write-protect bit. Determines whether the device reports as write-protected. The default is false.

The stmfadm command supports the subcommands listed below.

stmfadm add-hg-member -g host-group initiator...
Add a host group member to a host group.

An initiator cannot be a member of more than one host group.

,--group-name host-group
Specifies group name. host-group must be an existing group created using the create-hg subcommand.
stmfadm add-tg-member -g target-group target...
Add a target group member to a target group.

A target cannot be a member of more than one target group.

,--group-name target-group
Specifies group name. target-group must be an existing group created using the create-tg subcommand.
stmfadm add-view [-h host-group] [-n lu-number] [-t target-group] lu-name
Add a logical unit view entry to a logical unit lu-name, where lu-name is the STMF name for the logical unit as displayed by the list-lu subcommand. The add-view subcommand provides the user with a mechanism to implement access control for a logical unit and also provides a means of assigning a logical unit number to a logical unit for a given set of initiators and targets. A logical unit will not be available to any initiators until at least one view is applied. Each view entry gets assigned an entry name, which can be used to reference the entry in the list-view and remove-view subcommands.
,--host-group host-group
host-group is the name of an host group previously created using create-hg subcommand. If this option is not specified, the logical unit will be available to all initiators that log in to the STMF framework.
,--lun lu-number
lu-number is an integer in the range 0-16383 to be assigned to the logical unit for this view entry. If this option is not specified, a logical unit number will be assigned by the STMF framework.
,--target-group target-group
target-group is the name of a target group previously created using create-tg subcommand. If this option is not specified, the logical unit will be available through all targets.
stmfadm create-hg group-name
Create a host group with the name group-name. group-name is a string of Unicode characters with a maximum length of 255. The group name must be unique within the STMF system.
stmfadm create-lu [-p property=value]... [-s size] lu-file
Create a logical unit that can be registered with STMF. lu-file is the file to be used as the backing store for the logical unit. If the -s option is not specified, the size of the specified lu-file will be used as the size of the logical unit.

Logical units registered with the STMF require space for the metadata to be stored. When a zvol is specified as the backing store device, the default will be to use a special property of the zvol to contain the metadata. For all other devices, the default behavior will be to use the first 64k of the device. An alternative approach would be to use the meta property in a create-lu subcommand to specify an alternate file to contain the metadata. It is advisable to use a file that can provide sufficient storage of the logical unit metadata, preferably 64k.

,--lu-prop property=value
Set specified logical unit property. Check Logical Unit Properties for the list of available properties.
,--size size
size is an integer followed by one of the following letters, to indicate a unit of size: k, m, g, t, p, e, specifying kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte and exabyte respectively.
stmfadm create-tg group-name
Create a target group with the name group-name. group-name is a string of Unicode characters with a maximum length of 255. The group name must be unique within the STMF system.
stmfadm delete-hg group-name
Delete the host group identified by group-name.
stmfadm delete-lu [-k] lu-name
Delete an existing logical unit that was created using create-lu subcommand. This effectively unloads the logical unit from the STMF framework. Any existing data on the logical unit remains intact.
Keep view entries for this logical unit.
stmfadm delete-tg group-name
Delete the target group identified by group-name.
stmfadm import-lu lu-file
Import and load a logical unit into the STMF that was previously created using create-lu subcommand and was then deleted from the STMF using delete-lu subcommand. On success, the logical unit is again made available to the STMF. lu-file is the filename used in the create-lu subcommand. If this logical unit is using a separate metadata file, the filename in the meta property value that was used in the create-lu subcommand must be used here.
stmfadm list-hg [-v] [host-group]...
List information for the host group in the system referenced by host-group. If host-group is not specified, all host groups in the system will be listed.
Display all host group members.
stmfadm list-lu [-v] [lu-name]...
List information for the logical unit in the system referenced by lu-name. If lu-name is not specified, all logical units in the system will be listed.
Display verbose information about the logical unit.
stmfadm list-state
List the operational and configuration state of the STMF.
stmfadm list-target [-v] [target]...
List information for the target port in the system referenced by target. If target name is not specified, all target ports in the system will be listed.
Display verbose information about the target along with SCSI session information for logged-in initiators.
stmfadm list-tg [-v] [target-group]...
List information for the target group in the system referenced by target-group. If target-group is not specified, all target groups in the system will be listed.
Display all group members.
stmfadm list-view -l lu-name [view]...
List the view entry for the logical unit referenced by lu-name. If view is not specified, all view entries for the specified logical unit will be listed.
,--lu-name lu-name
Specify logical unit.
stmfadm modify-lu [-f] [-p property=value]... [-s size] lu-arg
Modify attributes of a logical unit created using the create-lu subcommand. If -f is not specified, lu-arg is interpreted as lu-name.
If specified, lu-arg is interpreted as file name. This provides the ability to modify a logical unit that is not currently imported into the STMF.
,--lu-prop property
Modify specified logical unit property. See Logical Unit Properties for the list of available properties.
,--size size
size is an integer followed by one of the following letters, to indicate a unit of size: k, m, g, t, p, e, specifying kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte and exabyte respectively.
stmfadm offline-lu lu-name
Offline a logical unit currently registered with the STMF.
stmfadm offline-target target-name
Offline the specified target.
stmfadm online-lu lu-name
Online a logical unit currently registered with the STMF.
stmfadm online-target target
Online the specified target.
stmfadm remove-hg-member -g host-group initiator
Remove specified initiator from host group
,--group-name host-group
Specifies group name. host-group must be an existing group created using the create-hg subcommand.
stmfadm remove-tg-member -g target-group target
Remove specified target from target group.
,--group-name taget-group
Specifies group name. target-group must be an existing group created using the create-tg subcommand.
stmfadm remove-view [-a] -l lu-name view...
Remove one or more view entries from a logical unit.
Remove all view entries for this logical unit.
Specify logical unit.

Creating a Host group with Two Initiator Ports
The following commands use the create-hg and add-hg-member subcommands to create a host group and add two initiator ports to that host group.
# stmfadm create-hg HostA
# stmfadm add-hg-member -g HostA wwn.210105b0000d92d0
Adding a View Entry to a Logical Unit
The following command uses the add-view subcommand to allow access from to a logical unit.
# stmfadm add-view -h HostA 6000AE40C5000000000046FC4FEA001C
Listing a View Entry
The following command uses the list-view subcommand to list all view entries for the specified logical unit.
# stmfadm list-view -l 6000AE40C5000000000046FC4FEA001C
View Entry: 0
    Host group   : HostA
    Target group : All
    LUN          : 0

attributes(7), sbdadm(8)

March 1, 2016 OmniOS