PPTADM(8) Maintenance Commands and Procedures PPTADM(8)

pptadmPPT administration utility

pptadm list -j [-a]

pptadm list [-ap [-o fields]]

The pptadm utility can enumerate passthrough devices for use by a virtualized guest.

The following options to the list command are supported:

Show all PPT devices, both available and assigned.
Output JSON.
Specify fields to output, or "all". Available fields are dev,path,vendor,device,subvendor,subdevice,rev,label
Output in a parsable format; this requires the -o option to be specified.

The JSON output consists of an array under the key "devices" with the fields:

The PPT /dev path, if assigned and bound.
The physical /devices path.
The PCI vendor ID.
The PCI device ID.
The PCI subsystem vendor ID.
The PCI subsystem ID.
The PCI device revision.
Human-readable description from the PCI database.

Containts the bindings of PPT devices in the same format as /etc/driver_aliases
Identifies devices that PPT could be bound to, either by physical path, or by PCI ID.

The pptadm utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

April 10, 2018 OmniOS