vc(1) | User Commands | vc(1) |
vc - version control
vc [-a] [-t] [-c char] [-s] [keyword=value... keyword=value]
The vc command copies lines from the standard input to the standard output under control of its arguments and of ``control statements'' encountered in the standard input. In the process of performing the copy operation, user-declared keyword may be replaced by their string value when they appear in plain text and/or control statements.
The copying of lines from the standard input to the standard output is conditional, based on tests (in control statements) of keyword values specified in control statements or as vc command arguments.
A control statement is a single line beginning with a control character, except as modified by the -t keyletter (see below). The default control character is colon (:), except as modified by the -c keyletter (see below). Input lines beginning with a backslash (\) followed by a control character are not control lines and are copied to the standard output with the backslash removed. Lines beginning with a backslash followed by a non-control character are copied in their entirety.
A keyword is composed of alphanumerics; the first must be alphabetic. A value is any ASCII string that can be created with ed; a numeric value is an unsigned string of digits. Keyword values may not contain blanks or tabs.
Replacement of keywords by values is done whenever a keyword surrounded by control characters is encountered on a version control statement. The -a keyletter (see below) forces replacement of keywords in all lines of text. An uninterpreted control character may be included in a value by preceding it with \. If a literal \ is desired, then it too must be preceded by \.
The following options are supported:
vc recognizes the following version control statements:
The syntax of a condition is:
The available operators and their meanings are:
The > and < operate only on unsigned integer values (for example, : 012 > 12 is false). All other operators take strings as arguments (for example, : 012 != 12 is true).
The precedence of the operators (from highest to lowest) is:
Parentheses may be used to alter the order of precedence.
Values must be separated from operators or parentheses by at least one blank or tab.
ERROR: err statement on line ... (915)
on the diagnostic output. vc halts execution, and returns an exit code of 1.
See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of vc(1): LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, and NLSPATH.
The following exit values are returned:
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
Availability | SUNWsprot |
A frequently updated source code for the SCCS suite is included in the schilytools project and may be retrieved from the schilytools project at Sourceforge at:
The download directory is:
Check for the schily-*.tar.bz2 archives.
Less frequently updated source code for the SCCS suite is at:
Separate project informations for the SCCS project may be retrieved from:
2018/12/18 | SunOS 5.11 |