AUDIOCTL(1) | User Commands | AUDIOCTL(1) |
audioctl - audio device control command line interface
audioctl list-devices
audioctl show-device [-v] [-d device]
audioctl show-control [-v] [-d device] [control ...]
audioctl set-control [-v] [-d device] control value
audioctl save-controls [-d device] [-f] file
audioctl load-controls [-d device] file
audioctl help
The audioctl command is used to control various settings and features of audio devices, including mixer settings such as playback volume and record gain.
The audioctl command supports the following subcommands.
show-device [-v] [-d device]
show-control [-v] [-d device] [control ... ]
set-control [-v] [-d device] control value
save-controls [-f] [-d device] file
load-controls [-d device] file
The audioctl command and its subcommands are Committed. The names of controls, their values, and device names are Uncommitted. The display output is intended for human consumption, and is Not An Interface. The format of the state files used by the save-controls and load-controls subcommands is Committed Private.
February 8, 2020 | OmniOS |