LARGEFILE(7) Standards, Environments, and Macros LARGEFILE(7)

largefile - large file status of utilities

A large file is a regular file whose size is greater than or equal to 2 Gbyte ( 2^31 bytes). A small file is a regular file whose size is less than 2 Gbyte.

A utility is called large file aware if it can process large files in the same manner as it does small files. A utility that is large file aware is able to handle large files as input and generate as output large files that are being processed. The exception is where additional files are used as system configuration files or support files that can augment the processing. For example, the file utility supports the -m option for an alternative "magic" file and the -f option for a support file that can contain a list of file names. It is unspecified whether a utility that is large file aware will accept configuration or support files that are large files. If a large file aware utility does not accept configuration or support files that are large files, it will cause no data loss or corruption upon encountering such files and will return an appropriate error.

The following /usr/bin utilities are large file aware:

adb aliasadm awk bdiff cat
chgrp chmod chown cksum cmp
compress cp csh csplit cut
dd dircmp du egrep fgrep
file find ftp getconf grep
gzip head join jsh ksh
ksh93 ln ls mailcompat mailstats
mdb mkdir mkfifo more mv
nawk page paste pathchck pg
praliases rcp remsh rksh rksh93
rm rmdir rsh sed sh
sort split sum tail tar
tee test touch tr uncompress
uudecode uuencode vacation wc zcat

The following /usr/xpg4/bin utilities are large file aware:

awk cp chgrp chown du
egrep fgrep file grep ln
ls more mv rm sed
sh sort tail tr

The following /usr/xpg6/bin utilities are large file aware:

getconf ls tr

The following /usr/sbin utilities are large file aware:

editmap install makemap mkfile mknod
mvdir swap

The following /usr/lib utilities are large file aware:

mail.local sendmail smrsh

See the USAGE section of the swap(8) manual page for limitations of swap on block devices greater than 2 Gbyte on a 32-bit operating system.

The following /usr/ucb utilities are large file aware:

chown from ln ls sed
sum touch

The /usr/bin/cpio and /usr/bin/pax utilities are large file aware, but cannot archive a file whose size exceeds 8 Gbyte - 1 byte.

The /usr/bin/truss utilities has been modified to read a dump file and display information relevant to large files, such as offsets.

The following utilities are large file aware for nfs file systems:

/usr/lib/autofs/automountd /usr/sbin/mount

The following /usr/bin utility is large file aware for ufs file systems:


The following /usr/lib/nfs utility is large file aware for ufs file systems:


The following /usr/xpg4/bin utility is large file aware for ufs file systems:


The following /usr/sbin utilities are large file aware for ufs file systems:

clri dcopy edquota ff fsck
fsdb fsirand fstyp labelit lockfs
mkfs mount ncheck newfs quot
quota quotacheck quotaoff quotaon repquota
tunefs ufsdump ufsrestore umount

A utility is called large file safe if it causes no data loss or corruption when it encounters a large file. A utility that is large file safe is unable to process properly a large file, but returns an appropriate error.

The following /usr/bin utilities are large file safe:

audioconvert audioplay audiorecord comm diff
diff3 diffmk ed lp mail
mailcompat mailstats mailx pack pcat
red rmail sdiff unpack vi

The following /usr/xpg4/bin utilities are large file safe:

ed vi view

The following /usr/xpg6/bin utility is large file safe:


The following /usr/sbin utilities are large file safe:

lpfilter lpforms

The following /usr/ucb utilities are large file safe:

Mail lpr

lf64(7), lfcompile(7), lfcompile64(7)

September 8, 2015 OmniOS