CURLMOPT_PUSHDATA(3) Introduction to Library Functions CURLMOPT_PUSHDATA(3)

CURLMOPT_PUSHDATA - pointer to pass to push callback

#include <curl/curl.h>
CURLMcode curl_multi_setopt(CURLM *handle, CURLMOPT_PUSHDATA, void *pointer);

Set a pointer to pass as the last argument to the CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTION(3) callback. The pointer is not touched or used by libcurl itself, only passed on to the callback function.



#include <string.h>
/* only allow pushes for filenames starting with "push-" */
int push_callback(CURL *parent,

CURL *easy,
size_t num_headers,
struct curl_pushheaders *headers,
void *clientp) {
char *headp;
int *transfers = (int *)clientp;
FILE *out;
headp = curl_pushheader_byname(headers, ":path");
if(headp && !strncmp(headp, "/push-", 6)) {
fprintf(stderr, "The PATH is %s\n", headp);
/* save the push here */
out = fopen("pushed-stream", "wb");
/* write to this file */
curl_easy_setopt(easy, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, out);
(*transfers)++; /* one more */
return CURL_PUSH_OK;
return CURL_PUSH_DENY; } int main(void) {
int counter;
CURLM *multi = curl_multi_init();
curl_multi_setopt(multi, CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTION, push_callback);
curl_multi_setopt(multi, CURLMOPT_PUSHDATA, &counter); }

Added in 7.44.0

Returns CURLM_OK if the option is supported, and CURLM_UNKNOWN_OPTION if not.


April 30 2024 libcurl